
Country Folks Living Loud.


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Please vote once a day from now through April 21 for The Great Frederick Fair to receive the Seeds of Change Grant to build a community garden! 🙂


Share on social media and help us win!






Today is National Agriculture Day 2014! March 25, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — karenthefarmersdaughter @ 10:06 am
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March 25, 2014 is National @AgDay #agday2014

The National Ag Day program believes that every American
1. Understand how food, fiber and renewable resource products
are produced.

2. Value the essential role of agriculture in maintaining a strong

3. Appreciate the role agriculture plays in providing safe,
abundant and affordable products.

4. Acknowledge and consider career opportunities in the
agriculture, food, fiber and renewable resource industries.

#ThankAFarmer #AgProud


America’s Farmers Monsanto YouTube Channel has wonderful videos! February 5, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — karenthefarmersdaughter @ 4:13 pm

More food for thought…
#thankafarmer #agproud


America’s Farmers Monsanto YouTube Channel has wonderful videos!

Filed under: Uncategorized — karenthefarmersdaughter @ 4:13 pm

Food for Thought – What Do America Farmer’s Grow?


After a long absence of posts, here are my favorite 2014 Super Bowl Commercials

Filed under: Uncategorized — karenthefarmersdaughter @ 4:05 pm

It’s been a long time since I have posted anything. These were my three favorite Super Bowl commercials!

Chevy’s Hereford(even though I am a FORD fan 100%): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOMrA-BGuLY

Budweiser’s Coming Home #Salute A Hero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuSjsLA9Jdo 

Budweiser’s Clydesdales and Puppy #BestBuds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQB7QRyF4p4 


My New Job – Social Media Planner & Public Relations Coordinator at The Great Frederick Fair! April 15, 2013

My New Job!

I am the new Social Media Planner & Public Relations Coordinator at The Great Frederick Fair! I am so blessed to have prayers answered! This is my dream job! Click on the photo to read the Frederick News Post article, published on March 18, 2013.


FFA is F(aithfully) F(ulfilling) A(ll) January 24, 2013

Filed under: Ag,agriculture,Uncategorized — karenthefarmersdaughter @ 4:43 pm


Read about Matt Neal’s “lifechanging” experience in FFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have never heard anyone in the FFA with anything but positivity on the organization!  If you know anyone in high school looking to join a club, be sure to suggest the FFA!

I know I am forever changed by the FFA and couldn’t be happier that I joined and got to experience all of the incredible learning opportunities.


My Blog <3 February 11, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — karenthefarmersdaughter @ 3:11 pm

Hello everyone.

I failed to explain what I will be blogging about…

I have grown up on a dairy farm my entire life and I think it has helped shape me into the person I am today.  My father wakes up at 2am everyday to milk the cows and still manages to be the most loving and supporting father.   He has never missed a game or performance in my 20 years of existence.  He is the hardest worker of anyone I know and I admire his work ethic, dedication and passion. Even with the tough times such as the bad economy and droughts, my dad keeps his spirits up and works his butt off everyday.

My father tends to represent the “stereotypical” image of farmers and in my experience most farmers tend to follow that  as well.  They are kind, nice, friendly, hardworking, dependable, trustworthy, respectful people who all work together and share the same love and passion for the agriculture industry.  This doesn’t only prove true in farmers, but also in most other people associated with the ag industry.

Needless to say, I am a huge fan of agriculture.

I joined 4-H at age 8 and joined FFA in high school.  I am currently a member of the Ag PR committee for the Great Frederick Fair, where we plan the field trips for the kids to come and learn about the importance of farming.  I am an active member of Farm Bureau and Young Farmers.  I am interning with Susan Summers at Agrivisions Inc.

I am making this blog all about farming and agriculture.  I want everyone to be informed of the importance of the agriculture industry.  People do not realize the important role it plays in our everyday lives.  I will take you on a journey of all my personal agriculture experiences as well as telling you random facts and highlighting particular farms in the area.  Hope y’all enjoy it!