
Country Folks Living Loud.

So God Made A Farmer… February 4, 2013

Filed under: Ag,agriculture,farm,farming — karenthefarmersdaughter @ 11:38 pm

The “So God Made a Farmer” commercial won my vote as the best of SuperBowl 47!!!!!! (And, it added to my happiness that night… GO RAVENS!)

This commercial gave me hope for future success of agriculture!

It is a tribute to farmers and a promotion for FFA and Dodge!!!!!!!!! (and, although I will always be a Ford girl, this commercial increased my respect for Dodge.)

Please watch and share with everyone you know!!!!!!!!!

I love being a farmer’s daughter and an advocate for agriculture!  I could personally relate to this poem narrated by Paul Harvey and the powerful imagery!

This commercial was a great eye opener for over 100 million SuperBowl viewers!  Also, view it as a door opener to go meet your local farmers and get to know them better!!!!!