
Country Folks Living Loud.

Picture Perfect on the Farm August 19, 2012

Filed under: Ag — karenthefarmersdaughter @ 1:28 am

If for no other reason, PLEASE respect, admire and support agriculture and farmers for the beauty of the land.

You can’t beat the scenery out on the country roads, out in the field and on the farm!

(Gorgeous pictures from my farm.)


2012 National FFA American Degree Recipients August 10, 2012

Filed under: Ag — karenthefarmersdaughter @ 2:06 pm

The American FFA Degree is awarded to FFA members who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to FFA and made significant accomplishments in their Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs). (Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). Students with an SAE learn by doing. With help from their agricultural teachers, students develop an SAE project based on one or more SAE categories: Entrepreneurship, Placement, Research and Experimentation and Exploratory)

Approximately 3,500 American FFA Degrees are handed out each year at the National FFA Convention. That number represents less than half of one percent of all FFA members, making it one of the organization’s highest honors.

In addition to their degree, each recipient receives a gold American FFA Degree key.

***This year, Maryland has 13 American Degree Recipients!

(I am one of them! My degree is in the placement of floriculture. FFA has provided me with countless opportunities and even after I hang up my jacket this fall, I am the new Maryland FFA Alumni secretary, so FFA continues to open doors for me and other members, even beyond high school/college!)

The list of names can be found on the National FFA Website.

I am so excited to go out and walk across the stage at National Convention to receive such an honor! Congrats to all of the FFA American Degree Recipients this year! 🙂

*All of my information came from the National FFA Organization Website.